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//! A hardware interrupt object.
use core::fmt;
use starina_types::error::FtlError;
use starina_types::interrupt::Irq;
use crate::handle::OwnedHandle;
use crate::syscall;
/// A hardware interrupt object.
/// This object provides functionalities to handle hardware interrupts from devices
/// in device drivers:
/// - Enable interrupts by acquiring the object ([`Interrupt::create`]).
/// - Acknowledge the interrupt ([`Interrupt::acknowledge`]).
/// - Wait for interrupts in an event loop ([`Mainloop::add_interrupt`](crate::mainloop::Mainloop::add_interrupt))
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use starina_api::interrupt::Interrupt;
/// use starina_api::types::interrupt::Irq;
/// // Ideally, you should get the IRQ from the device tree.
/// let irq = Irq::new(1);
/// // Acquire the ownership of the interrupt.
/// let interrupt = Interrupt::create(irq).unwrap();
/// // Register the interrupt to the mainloop.
/// let mut mainloop = Mainloop::new().unwrap();
/// mainloop
/// .add_interrupt(interrupt, Context::Interrupt)
/// .unwrap();
/// // Wait for interrupts in the mainloop...
/// loop {
/// match {
/// Event::Interrupt { ctx: Context::Interrupt, .. } => {
/// // Handle the interrupt.
/// do_something();
/// // Tell the kernel that we have handled the interrupt and are
/// // ready for the next one.
/// interrupt.acknowledge().unwrap();
/// }
/// ev => {
/// warn!("unexpected event: {:?}", ev);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Interrupt {
handle: OwnedHandle,
impl Interrupt {
/// Creates a new interrupt object for the given IRQ.
pub fn create(irq: Irq) -> Result<Interrupt, FtlError> {
let handle = syscall::interrupt_create(irq)?;
let interrupt = Interrupt {
handle: OwnedHandle::from_raw(handle),
/// Instantiates the object from the given handle.
pub fn from_handle(handle: OwnedHandle) -> Interrupt {
Interrupt { handle }
/// Returns the handle.
pub fn handle(&self) -> &OwnedHandle {
/// Acknowledges the interrupt.
/// This tells the CPU (or the interrupt controller) that the interrupt has
/// been handled and we are ready to receive the next one.
pub fn acknowledge(&self) -> Result<(), FtlError> {
impl fmt::Debug for Interrupt {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Interrupt({:?})", self.handle)