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//! Kernel object handle types.
use core::fmt;
use starina_types::handle::HandleId;
use crate::syscall;
use crate::warn;
/// An owned handle, which will be closed when dropped.
/// # Invariant: `OwnedHandle` can be transmuted to `HandleId`
/// This type is marked as `#[repr(transparent)]` to ensure that it can be
/// transmuted to a `HandleId`. Some code depend on this fact so don't change
/// the sturcture of this type!
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct OwnedHandle(HandleId);
impl OwnedHandle {
pub const fn from_raw(id: HandleId) -> OwnedHandle {
pub fn id(&self) -> HandleId {
impl Drop for OwnedHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(err) = syscall::handle_close(self.0) {
// Closing a handle may fail, but Drop::drop doesn't allow
// returning an error. Log the fact here to notice the potential
// bug.
warn!("failed to close handle: {:?}", err);
impl fmt::Debug for OwnedHandle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "#{}", self.0.as_isize())